Improve your recruitment process and save time and money with TestoHire

Traditional recruitment can be a long and tedious process, often fraught with hidden costs. The time spent organizing and conducting in-person interviews, travel costs and resources spent screening candidates can add up quickly. Fortunately, there are innovative software solutions like TestoHire that can help you streamline your recruiting process and reduce your costs while finding top talent.

The hidden costs of traditional recruiting

Many companies underestimate the true costs associated with on-site assessments. Here are some examples of hidden costs to consider:

  • Travel costs: If you're interviewing candidates from far away, travel and accommodation costs can add up quickly.
  • Loss of productivity: Time spent planning and conducting interviews can distract your employees from other important tasks.
  • Manual screening: Reviewing resumes and cover letters can be time-consuming, especially if you receive a large number of applications.

How TestoHire can help you save time and money

TestoHire is a candidate assessment platform that lets you easily create and deliver personalized online assessments. These automated assessments can save you time and money in several ways:

  • Reduced travel costs: With TestoHire, candidates can take their assessments remotely, eliminating the need for in-person interviews.
  • Time saving: Automated assessments save time on candidate screening, freeing you to focus on interviewing the most promising candidates.
  • Improved efficiency: TestoHire streamlines the entire recruiting process, allowing you to find qualified candidates faster.

Concrete examples of savings thanks to TestoHire

Many businesses have seen significant time and cost savings using TestoHire. For example, Key Software reported a 50% reduction in interview travel costs and a 30% savings in screening time since implementing TestoHire.

Ready to streamline your recruiting process?

TestoHire is a simple and cost-effective solution that can help you transform your recruitment process. Contact us today to learn more about our Pay As You Go model and request a free demo.